Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Alia CGC RN is a puppy I kept out of one of my breedings. (Sma x Luke) Alia has a Penn-hip score of .44 and .45 and an OFA prelim of Good and normal eye exams. Alia was born September 6, 2016. Alia had a litter with me in August 2019. She had 6 puppies with Surtsey’s Ö-Örlygur. 4 males and 2 females. In June 2020, Alia had a litter in Texes with Gabi. Gabi is a trainer and friend. Alia has been with her a couple times over the years for training. Alia was bred to Gabi’s boy, Link. Alia had 7 puppies. 4 females and 3 males. One of these puppies already has his AKC Championship(Frodo) and Isla(who I co-own with Gabi) is already working on her Championship. Isla also has her RE PT SWA RATN DJ CGC titles. Gibby and Unun are also working on their AKC Championships.