In some of these pictures you will notice Meyla's dirty nails, she seems to think that digging to get under the deck is a better place for her puppies!!!
Finn 5/22/12
Meyla delivered 5 puppies very early in the morning on May 19th.
First puppy was born at 1:35am, female, 9.9oz Second puppy born 2:04am, male, 12.3oz Third puppy born, 2:21, male, 11.1oz Forth puppy born, 2:40, female, 11.9oz Fifth puppy born, 3:22, female, 12.0oz
Fenrir came to us from Denmark from Donna Lee and David Herrick.
Here is a recent picture of Finn, the daddy of Meyla's litter! New pictures of him are under My Dogs, Fenrir/Finn
Meyla (audurs dimmalimm) and Finn (fenrir) are also expecting puppies. They are due May 20th. See my blog for more info. Click the pedigree for a larger picture.