Gemma is an AKC Champion She has a Penn hip score of .42 and .37 with an OFA prelim of Good. She has normal eye exams. Gemma had a litter with Valdemar in November of 2018. She had 6 puppies, 4 males and 2 females. Gemma’s next litter was in June of 2021. This litter was also with Valdemar and I am very happy I did a repeat breeding. 3 of the puppies from this litter are in potential show/breeding homes. We can’t wait to see how they do in the show ring.
Below is a picture of the first litter with Gemma and Valdemar.
Below is the second litter with Gemma and Valdemar
Gemma enjoys: Showing off her cuteness....
Long walks on the beach...
Getting a little dirty....
car rides to the pet store...
Being a lady...
Cuddling with her many boyfriends....
and celebrating her birthday....
This page has been created by Taylor (sheryl's daughter & Gemma's Mother). Gemma is perfect, wonderful dog. She is the best granddaughter a grandpaw could ask for.